Monday, May 31, 2010

Welcome to my Blog!Bienvenidos a mi Blog!

Thank you for visiting my very first blog. The purpose of this blog is to keep everyone posted about what I will be doing during my scientific cruise to Alaska this summer, as part of NOAA's (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Teacher at Sea program. This wonderful program gives teachers in the USA the opportunity to join a team of scientists conducting research on marine life and ecosystems aboard an actual research ship. Teachers come back and share their experiences and new skills with their students. You will be able to learn about Weather Data,Science and Technology,and thoughts about my Personal experiences while sailing onboard a research vessel. Please come back as often as you want and feel free to post questions, comments, or just say hi.
Gracias por visitar my pagina blog.El proposito de esta pagina es de mantener a todos informados sobre mis aventuras en Alaska como parte del programa de NOAA "Maestro en el Mar". Como sabran despues de aplicar por 4 anos fuimos finalmente seleccionados junto a 35 maestros de todos los Estados Unidos para tomar parte en una expedicion cientifica. Estaremos a bordo de una nave junto a cientificos estudiando la vida y fauna de los ecosistemas marinos del Atlantico Norte. En esta pagina podran ver informacion actual sobre el Clima, Tecnologia, Ciencia, y mis experiencias personales sobre la expedicion. Favor de visitar esta pagina blog cuantas veces deseen, y sientasen en libertad de escribir cualquier pregunta,comentario,o solo para saludar.


  1. Hola Mr.Fulcar: Yo creo que este blog es muy importante.Saludos, Luissana Clase 821 MS319

  2. Hi Mr.Fulcar it's me George from 821 class MS319.

  3. Hi Mr.Fulcar I want to thank you for giving us the opportunity to learn.

  4. Hi Mr.Fulcar I think that this blog is so interesting , in this school I learn how to speak my English very well

    Sinceraly Asdry Vancamper

  5. Hola Mr.Fulcar a mi me gusto el pez lump sucker Mi nombre es Luis y soy de la clase de la 721.


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